Source code for mlbench_core.models.pytorch.resnet

"""Contains definitions for Residual Networks.

Residual networks were originally proposed in :cite:`he2016deep` . Then they improve the :cite:`he2016identity`
Here we refer to the settings in :cite:`he2016deep` as `v1` and :cite:`he2016identity`  as `v2`.

Since `torchvision resnet <>`_
has already implemented.

* ResNet-18
* ResNet-34
* ResNet-50
* ResNet-101
* ResNet-152

for image net. Here we only implemented the remaining models

* ResNet-20
* ResNet-32
* ResNet-44
* ResNet-56

for CIFAR-10 dataset. Besides, their implementation uses projection shortcut by default.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

from mlbench_core.controlflow.pytorch.helpers import convert_dtype


def batch_norm(num_features):
    """Create a batch normalization layer.

    See the Disclaimers in Kaiming's
    `repository <>`_.

    * compute the mean and variance on a sufficiently large traing batch instead of moving average;
    * learn gamma and beta in affine function.

    :param num_features: number of features passed to batch normalization
    :type num_features: int
    return nn.BatchNorm2d(

def conv3x3(in_channels, out_channels, stride=1):
    """3x3 convolution with padding."""
    return nn.Conv2d(
        in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False

class BasicBlockV1(nn.Module):
    """The basic block in :cite:`he2016deep` is used for shallower ResNets.

    The activation functions (ReLU and BN) are viewed as post-activation of the weight layer.

    .. note::
        This class is similar to `BasicBlock` in
        `resnet <>`_.
        but with different nn.BatchNorm2d configuration.

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, stride=1, downsample=None):
        :param in_channels: input channels
        :type in_channels: int
        :param out_channels: output channels
        :type out_channels: int
        :param stride: stride of the first layer, defaults to 1
        :type stride: int, optional
        :param downsample: projection identity map or no downsample, defaults to None
        :type downsample: nn.module or None, optional
        super(BasicBlockV1, self).__init__()

        self.conv1 = conv3x3(in_channels, out_channels, stride)
        self.bn1 = batch_norm(out_channels)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
        self.conv2 = conv3x3(out_channels, out_channels)
        self.bn2 = batch_norm(out_channels)
        self.downsample = downsample
        self.stride = stride

    def forward(self, x):
        residual = self.downsample(x) if self.downsample is not None else x

        out = self.conv1(x)
        out = self.bn1(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.conv2(out)
        out = self.bn2(out)

        # Shortcut connection.
        out += residual
        out = self.relu(out)
        return out

class BasicBlockV2(nn.Module):
    """The basic block in :cite:`he2016identity` is used for shallower ResNets.

    The activation functions (ReLU and BN) are viewed as pre-activation of the weight layer.

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, stride=1, downsample=None):
        :param in_channels: input channels
        :type in_channels: int
        :param out_channels: output channels
        :type out_channels: int
        :param stride: stride of the first layer, defaults to 1
        :type stride: int, optional
        :param downsample: projection identity map or no downsample, defaults to None
        :type downsample: nn.module or None, optional
        super(BasicBlockV2, self).__init__()

        self.bn1 = batch_norm(in_channels)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
        self.conv1 = conv3x3(in_channels, out_channels, stride)
        self.bn2 = batch_norm(out_channels)
        self.conv2 = conv3x3(out_channels, out_channels)
        self.downsample = downsample
        self.stride = stride

    def forward(self, x):
        residual = self.downsample(x) if self.downsample is not None else x

        out = self.bn1(x)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.conv1(out)
        out = self.bn2(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.conv2(out)

        # Shortcut connection.
        out += residual
        return out

# class BottleneckBlockV1(nn.Module):
#     """Bottleneck building block proposed in :cite:`he2016deep` (post-activation)."""
#     pass

# class BottleneckBlockV2(nn.Module):
#     """Bottleneck building block proposed in :cite:`he2016identity` (post-activation)."""
#     pass

[docs]class ResNetCIFAR(nn.Module): """Basic ResNet implementation. Args: resnet_size (int): Number of layers bottleneck (bool): Whether to use a bottleneck layer (``Not Implemented``) num_classes (int): Number of output classes version (int): Resnet version (1 or 2). Default: ``1`` """ def __init__( self, resnet_size, bottleneck, num_classes, version=_DEFAULT_RESNETCIFAR_VERSION ): super(ResNetCIFAR, self).__init__() if resnet_size % 6 != 2: raise ValueError( "The resnet_size should be (6 * num_blocks + 2). Got {}.".format( resnet_size ) ) num_blocks = (resnet_size - 2) // 6 if version not in (1, 2): raise ValueError("Resnet version should be 1 or 2, got {}.".format(version)) if bottleneck: raise NotImplementedError else: if version == 1: block = BasicBlockV1 elif version == 2: block = BasicBlockV2 else: raise NotImplementedError # The first layer if version == 1 or version == 2: self.prep = nn.Sequential( conv3x3(in_channels=3, out_channels=16, stride=1), batch_norm(num_features=16), nn.ReLU(), ) else: raise NotImplementedError # 6n layers self.conv_1 = self._make_layer( block, in_channels=16, out_channels=16, num_blocks=num_blocks, init_stride=1 ) self.conv_2 = self._make_layer( block, in_channels=16, out_channels=32, num_blocks=num_blocks, init_stride=2 ) self.conv_3 = self._make_layer( block, in_channels=32, out_channels=64, num_blocks=num_blocks, init_stride=2 ) # Add an average pooling layer: # the output of conv_3 has shape H=W=8 # the output average pooling will be (batch_size, channels, 1, 1) self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(8, stride=8) self.classifier = nn.Linear(in_features=64, out_features=num_classes, bias=True) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode="fan_out", nonlinearity="relu") elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def _make_layer(self, block, in_channels, out_channels, num_blocks, init_stride=1): """Create a block of 2*n depth. .. note:: In :cite:`he2016deep` there are two types of shortcuts: identity and projection. Here we use the following: * identity shortcut for same number of channels * projection shortcut for increasing number of channels """ # by the design of ResNet, if the init_stride > 1, then out_channels > in_channels. # For project shortcut, the extra channels are created using a 1*1 convolution. # For identity shortcut, zeros are padded. if init_stride == 1: downsample = None else: # Use projection when the dimension of channel increases. downsample = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=init_stride, bias=False, ), batch_norm(num_features=out_channels), ) # Maybe use downsample in the first block. layers = [ block(in_channels, out_channels, stride=init_stride, downsample=downsample) ] for _ in range(1, num_blocks): layers.append(block(out_channels, out_channels)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): x = self.prep(x) x = self.conv_1(x) x = self.conv_2(x) x = self.conv_3(x) x = self.avgpool(x) # The plane has shape (1, 1) x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = self.classifier(x) return x
""" Version 2 of ResNet. """ class PreActBlock(nn.Module): r""""Pre-activation Resnet Block used in ResNet-18""" def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, stride=1): super(PreActBlock, self).__init__() self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(in_channels) self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d( in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False, ) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d( out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False ) if stride != 1 or in_channels != out_channels: self.shortcut = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d( in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False ) ) def forward(self, x): out = F.relu(self.bn1(x)) shortcut = self.shortcut(out) if hasattr(self, "shortcut") else x out = self.conv1(out) out = self.conv2(F.relu(self.bn2(out))) return out + shortcut class ResNet18CIFAR10(nn.Module): """ResNet implementation for CIFAR-10 The ResNet structure defined in :cite:`he2016deep` and :cite:`he2016identity`. For CIFAR-10 dataset, the ResNet are configured to have 6n+2 layers where fixing n={3,5,7,9} gives ResNet-20,32,44,56 seperately. The input image is assumed to have a shape of 32*32 pixels. Args: layers (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`): List of resnet blocks per layer. Must contain 4 elements. num_classes (int): Number of output classes. Default: ``1000`` """ def __init__(self, layers, num_classes=1000): super(ResNet18CIFAR10, self).__init__() self.prep = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(64), nn.ReLU(), ) self.layers = nn.Sequential( self._make_layer(64, 64, layers[0], stride=1), self._make_layer(64, 128, layers[1], stride=2), self._make_layer(128, 256, layers[2], stride=2), self._make_layer(256, 256, layers[3], stride=2), ) self.classifier = nn.Linear(512, num_classes) def _make_layer(self, in_channels, out_channels, num_blocks, stride): strides = [stride] + [1] * (num_blocks - 1) layers = [] for stride in strides: layers.append( PreActBlock( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, stride=stride ) ) in_channels = out_channels return nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): x = self.prep(x) x = self.layers(x) x_avg = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, (1, 1)) x_avg = x_avg.view(x_avg.size(0), -1) x_max = F.adaptive_max_pool2d(x, (1, 1)) x_max = x_max.view(x_max.size(0), -1) x =[x_avg, x_max], dim=-1) x = self.classifier(x) return x def resnet18_bkj(num_classes): """Constructs a ResNet-18 model from DAWN. This `implementation <>`_ comes from which gives results in `DAWNBench <>`_. Args: num_classes (int): The number of output classes. """ model = ResNet18CIFAR10([2, 2, 2, 2], num_classes=num_classes) return model def get_resnet_model(model, version, dtype, num_classes=1000, use_cuda=False): """Create a resnet model Args: model (str): The name of the model, e.g. `resnet18` version (int): The resnet version to use, `1`or `2` num_classes (int): The number of output classes. Default: `1000` use_cuda (bool): Whether to train on the GPU or not. Default: `False` Returns: A `torch.nn.Module` Resnet Model """ if model == "resnet18": model = resnet18_bkj(num_classes) elif model in ["resnet20", "resnet32", "resnet44", "resnet56", "resnet110"]: resnet_size = int(model[len("resnet") :]) model = ResNetCIFAR(resnet_size, False, 10, version=version) else: raise NotImplementedError("{}_{} is not implemented.".format(model, version)) model = convert_dtype(dtype, model) if use_cuda: model = model.cuda() return model