Source code for mlbench_core.models.pytorch.transformer.sequence_generator

# Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in
# the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant of patent rights
# can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

import math
import re
import sys
import unicodedata

import six
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

from mlbench_core.models.pytorch.transformer.decoder import TransformerDecoder

class UnicodeRegex(object):
    """Ad-hoc hack to recognize all punctuation and symbols."""

    def __init__(self):
        punctuation = self.property_chars("P")
        self.nondigit_punct_re = re.compile(r"([^\d])([" + punctuation + r"])")
        self.punct_nondigit_re = re.compile(r"([" + punctuation + r"])([^\d])")
        self.symbol_re = re.compile("([" + self.property_chars("S") + "])")

    def property_chars(self, prefix):
        return "".join(
            for x in range(sys.maxunicode)
            if unicodedata.category(six.unichr(x)).startswith(prefix)

uregex = UnicodeRegex()

def strip_pad(tensor, pad):
    return tensor[]

def post_process_prediction(hypo_tokens, alignment, align_dict, tgt_dict, remove_bpe):
    hypo_str = tgt_dict.string(hypo_tokens, remove_bpe)

    assert not align_dict

    return hypo_tokens, hypo_str, alignment

def detokenize_subtokenized_sentence(subtokenized_sentence):
    l1 = " ".join("".join(subtokenized_sentence.strip().split()).split("_"))
    l1 = l1.replace(" ,", ",")
    l1 = l1.replace(" .", ".")
    l1 = l1.replace(" !", "!")
    l1 = l1.replace(" ?", "?")
    l1 = l1.replace(" ' ", "'")
    l1 = l1.replace(" - ", "-")
    l1 = l1.strip()
    return l1

def bleu_tokenize(string):
    r"""Tokenize a string following the official BLEU implementation.
    In our case, the input string is expected to be just one line
    and no HTML entities de-escaping is needed.
    So we just tokenize on punctuation and symbols,
    except when a punctuation is preceded and followed by a digit
    (e.g. a comma/dot as a thousand/decimal separator).
    Note that a numer (e.g. a year) followed by a dot at the end of sentence
    is NOT tokenized,
    i.e. the dot stays with the number because `s/(\p{P})(\P{N})/ $1 $2/g`
    does not match this case (unless we add a space after each sentence).
    However, this error is already in the original
    and we want to be consistent with it.
    string: the input string
    a list of tokens
    string = uregex.nondigit_punct_re.sub(r"\1 \2 ", string)
    string = uregex.punct_nondigit_re.sub(r" \1 \2", string)
    string = uregex.symbol_re.sub(r" \1 ", string)
    return string

class UnicodeRegex(object):
    """Ad-hoc hack to recognize all punctuation and symbols."""

    def __init__(self):
        punctuation = self.property_chars("P")
        self.nondigit_punct_re = re.compile(r"([^\d])([" + punctuation + r"])")
        self.punct_nondigit_re = re.compile(r"([" + punctuation + r"])([^\d])")
        self.symbol_re = re.compile("([" + self.property_chars("S") + "])")

    def property_chars(self, prefix):
        return "".join(
            for x in range(sys.maxunicode)
            if unicodedata.category(six.unichr(x)).startswith(prefix)

[docs]class SequenceGenerator(object): """Generates translations of a given source sentence. Args: model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): The model to predict on. Should be instance of `TransformerModel` src_dict (:obj:`mlbench_core.dataset.nlp.pytorch.wmt17.Dictionary`): Source dictionary trg_dict (:obj:`mlbench_core.dataset.nlp.pytorch.wmt17.Dictionary`): Target dictionary beam_size (int): Size of the beam. Default 1 minlen (int): Minimum generation length. Default 1 maxlen (int): Maximum generation length. If `None`, takes value of model.max_decoder_positions(). Default `None` stop_early (bool): Stop generation immediately after we finalize beam_size hypotheses, even though longer hypotheses might have better normalized scores. Default `True` normalize_scores (bool): Normalize scores by the length of the output. Default `True` len_penalty (float): length penalty: <1.0 favors shorter, >1.0 favors longer sentences. Default 1 retain_dropout (bool): Keep dropout layers. Default `False` sampling (bool): sample hypotheses instead of using beam search. Default `False` sampling_topk (int): sample from top K likely next words instead of all words. Default -1 sampling_temperature (int): temperature for random sampling. Default 1 """ def __init__( self, model, src_dict, trg_dict, beam_size=1, minlen=1, maxlen=None, stop_early=True, normalize_scores=True, len_penalty=1, retain_dropout=False, sampling=False, sampling_topk=-1, sampling_temperature=1, ): self.model = model self.pad = trg_dict.pad() self.eos = trg_dict.eos() self.vocab_size = len(trg_dict) self.src_dict = src_dict self.trg_dict = trg_dict self.beam_size = beam_size self.minlen = minlen max_decoder_len = self.model.max_decoder_positions() max_decoder_len -= 1 # we define maxlen not including the EOS marker self.maxlen = ( max_decoder_len if maxlen is None else min(maxlen, max_decoder_len) ) self.stop_early = stop_early self.normalize_scores = normalize_scores self.len_penalty = len_penalty self.retain_dropout = retain_dropout self.sampling = sampling self.sampling_topk = sampling_topk self.sampling_temperature = sampling_temperature
[docs] def generate_batch_translations( self, batch, maxlen_a=0.0, maxlen_b=None, prefix_size=0, ): """Yield individual translations of a batch. Args: batch (dict): The model input batch. Must have keys `net_input`, `target` and `ntokens` maxlen_a (float): maxlen_b (Optional[int]): Generate sequences of max lengths `maxlen_a*x + maxlen_b` where `x = input sentence length` prefix_size (int): Prefix size """ if maxlen_b is None: maxlen_b = self.maxlen if "net_input" not in batch: return input = batch["net_input"] srclen = input["src_tokens"].size(1) with torch.no_grad(): hypos = self.generate( input["src_tokens"], input["src_lengths"], maxlen=int(maxlen_a * srclen + maxlen_b), prefix_tokens=batch["target"][:, :prefix_size] if prefix_size > 0 else None, ) for i, id in enumerate(batch["id"].data): # remove padding src = strip_pad(input["src_tokens"].data[i, :], self.pad) ref = ( strip_pad(batch["target"].data[i, :], self.pad) if batch["target"] is not None else None ) yield id, src, ref, hypos[i]
[docs] def generate(self, src_tokens, src_lengths, maxlen=None, prefix_tokens=None): """Generate a batch of translations.""" with torch.no_grad(): return self._generate(src_tokens, src_lengths, maxlen, prefix_tokens)
def _generate(self, src_tokens, src_lengths, maxlen=None, prefix_tokens=None): bsz, srclen = src_tokens.size() maxlen = min(maxlen, self.maxlen) if maxlen is not None else self.maxlen # the max beam size is the dictionary size - 1, since we never select pad beam_size = self.beam_size beam_size = min(beam_size, self.vocab_size - 1) incremental_state = None if not self.retain_dropout: self.model.eval() if isinstance(self.model.decoder, TransformerDecoder): incremental_state = {} # compute the encoder output for each beam encoder_out = self.model.encoder( src_tokens.repeat(1, beam_size).view(-1, srclen) ) # initialize buffers scores = * beam_size, maxlen + 1).float().fill_(0) scores_buf = scores.clone() tokens = * beam_size, maxlen + 2).fill_(self.pad) tokens_buf = tokens.clone() tokens[:, 0] = self.eos attn, attn_buf = None, None nonpad_idxs = None # list of completed sentences finalized = [[] for i in range(bsz)] finished = [False for i in range(bsz)] worst_finalized = [{"idx": None, "score": -math.inf} for i in range(bsz)] num_remaining_sent = bsz # number of candidate hypos per step cand_size = 2 * beam_size # 2 x beam size in case half are EOS # offset arrays for converting between different indexing schemes bbsz_offsets = (torch.arange(0, bsz) * beam_size).unsqueeze(1).type_as(tokens) cand_offsets = torch.arange(0, cand_size).type_as(tokens) # helper function for allocating buffers on the fly buffers = {} def buffer(name, type_of=tokens): # noqa if name not in buffers: buffers[name] = return buffers[name] def is_finished(sent, step, unfinalized_scores=None): """ Check whether we've finished generation for a given sentence, by comparing the worst score among finalized hypotheses to the best possible score among unfinalized hypotheses. """ assert len(finalized[sent]) <= beam_size if len(finalized[sent]) == beam_size: if self.stop_early or step == maxlen or unfinalized_scores is None: return True # stop if the best unfinalized score is worse than the worst # finalized one best_unfinalized_score = unfinalized_scores[sent].max() if self.normalize_scores: # We don't know why the reference adds 5 and divides by 6, perhaps for rounding best_unfinalized_score /= ((maxlen + 5) / 6) ** self.len_penalty if worst_finalized[sent]["score"] >= best_unfinalized_score: return True return False def finalize_hypos(step, bbsz_idx, eos_scores, unfinalized_scores=None): """ Finalize the given hypotheses at this step, while keeping the total number of finalized hypotheses per sentence <= beam_size. Note: the input must be in the desired finalization order, so that hypotheses that appear earlier in the input are preferred to those that appear later. Args: step: current time step bbsz_idx: A vector of indices in the range [0, bsz*beam_size), indicating which hypotheses to finalize eos_scores: A vector of the same size as bbsz_idx containing scores for each hypothesis unfinalized_scores: A vector containing scores for all unfinalized hypotheses """ assert bbsz_idx.numel() == eos_scores.numel() # clone relevant token and attention tensors tokens_clone = tokens.index_select(0, bbsz_idx) tokens_clone = tokens_clone[ :, 1 : step + 2 ] # skip the first index, which is EOS tokens_clone[:, step] = self.eos attn_clone = ( attn.index_select(0, bbsz_idx)[:, :, 1 : step + 2] if attn is not None else None ) # compute scores per token position pos_scores = scores.index_select(0, bbsz_idx)[:, : step + 1] pos_scores[:, step] = eos_scores # convert from cumulative to per-position scores pos_scores[:, 1:] = pos_scores[:, 1:] - pos_scores[:, :-1] # normalize sentence-level scores if self.normalize_scores: # We don't know why the reference adds 5 and divides by 6, perhaps for rounding eos_scores /= (((step + 1) + 5) / 6) ** self.len_penalty cum_unfin = [] prev = 0 for f in finished: if f: prev += 1 else: cum_unfin.append(prev) sents_seen = set() for i, (idx, score) in enumerate( zip(bbsz_idx.tolist(), eos_scores.tolist()) ): unfin_idx = idx // beam_size sent = unfin_idx + cum_unfin[unfin_idx] sents_seen.add((sent, unfin_idx)) def get_hypo(): if attn_clone is not None: # remove padding tokens from attn scores hypo_attn = attn_clone[i][nonpad_idxs[sent]] _, alignment = hypo_attn.max(dim=0) else: hypo_attn = None alignment = None return { "tokens": tokens_clone[i], "score": score, "attention": hypo_attn, # src_len x tgt_len "alignment": alignment, "positional_scores": pos_scores[i], } if len(finalized[sent]) < beam_size: finalized[sent].append(get_hypo()) elif not self.stop_early and score > worst_finalized[sent]["score"]: # replace worst hypo for this sentence with new/better one worst_idx = worst_finalized[sent]["idx"] if worst_idx is not None: finalized[sent][worst_idx] = get_hypo() # find new worst finalized hypo for this sentence idx, s = min( enumerate(finalized[sent]), key=lambda r: r[1]["score"] ) worst_finalized[sent] = { "score": s["score"], "idx": idx, } newly_finished = [] for sent, unfin_idx in sents_seen: # check termination conditions for this sentence if not finished[sent] and is_finished(sent, step, unfinalized_scores): finished[sent] = True newly_finished.append(unfin_idx) return newly_finished reorder_state = None batch_idxs = None for step in range(maxlen + 1): # one extra step for EOS marker if reorder_state is not None: if batch_idxs is not None: # update beam indices to take into account removed sentences corr = batch_idxs - torch.arange(batch_idxs.numel()).type_as( batch_idxs ) reorder_state.view(-1, beam_size).add_( corr.unsqueeze(-1) * beam_size ) if isinstance(self.model.decoder, TransformerDecoder): self.model.decoder.reorder_incremental_state( incremental_state, reorder_state ) encoder_out = self.model.encoder.reorder_encoder_out( encoder_out, reorder_state ) probs, avg_attn_scores = self._decode_one( tokens[:, : step + 1], self.model, encoder_out, incremental_state, log_probs=True, ) if step == 0: # at the first step all hypotheses are equally likely, so use # only the first beam probs = probs.unfold(0, 1, beam_size).squeeze(2).contiguous() scores = scores.type_as(probs) scores_buf = scores_buf.type_as(probs) elif not self.sampling: # make probs contain cumulative scores for each hypothesis probs.add_(scores[:, step - 1].view(-1, 1)) probs[:, self.pad] = -math.inf # never select pad # Record attention scores if avg_attn_scores is not None: if attn is None: attn = * beam_size, src_tokens.size(1), maxlen + 2) attn_buf = attn.clone() nonpad_idxs = attn[:, :, step + 1].copy_(avg_attn_scores) cand_scores = buffer("cand_scores", type_of=scores) cand_indices = buffer("cand_indices") cand_beams = buffer("cand_beams") eos_bbsz_idx = buffer("eos_bbsz_idx") eos_scores = buffer("eos_scores", type_of=scores) if step < maxlen: if prefix_tokens is not None and step < prefix_tokens.size(1): probs_slice = probs.view(bsz, -1, probs.size(-1))[:, 0, :] cand_scores = torch.gather( probs_slice, dim=1, index=prefix_tokens[:, step].view(-1, 1).data, ).expand(-1, cand_size) cand_indices = ( prefix_tokens[:, step].view(-1, 1).expand(bsz, cand_size).data ) cand_beams.resize_as_(cand_indices).fill_(0) elif self.sampling: assert ( self.pad == 1 ), "sampling assumes the first two symbols can be ignored" if self.sampling_topk > 0: values, indices = probs[:, 2:].topk(self.sampling_topk) exp_probs = values.div_(self.sampling_temperature).exp() if step == 0: torch.multinomial( exp_probs, beam_size, replacement=True, out=cand_indices ) else: torch.multinomial( exp_probs, 1, replacement=True, out=cand_indices ) torch.gather( exp_probs, dim=1, index=cand_indices, out=cand_scores ) torch.gather( indices, dim=1, index=cand_indices, out=cand_indices ) cand_indices.add_(2) else: exp_probs = ( probs.div_(self.sampling_temperature) .exp_() .view(-1, self.vocab_size) ) if step == 0: # we exclude the first two vocab items, one of which is pad torch.multinomial( exp_probs[:, 2:], beam_size, replacement=True, out=cand_indices, ) else: torch.multinomial( exp_probs[:, 2:], 1, replacement=True, out=cand_indices ) cand_indices.add_(2) torch.gather( exp_probs, dim=1, index=cand_indices, out=cand_scores ) cand_scores.log_() cand_indices = cand_indices.view(bsz, -1).repeat(1, 2) cand_scores = cand_scores.view(bsz, -1).repeat(1, 2) if step == 0: cand_beams = torch.zeros(bsz, cand_size).type_as(cand_indices) else: cand_beams = ( torch.arange(0, beam_size) .repeat(bsz, 2) .type_as(cand_indices) ) # make scores cumulative cand_scores.add_( torch.gather( scores[:, step - 1].view(bsz, beam_size), dim=1, index=cand_beams, ) ) else: # take the best 2 x beam_size predictions. We'll choose the first # beam_size of these which don't predict eos to continue with. torch.topk( probs.view(bsz, -1), k=min( cand_size, probs.view(bsz, -1).size(1) - 1 ), # -1 so we never select pad out=(cand_scores, cand_indices), ) torch.floor_divide( cand_indices, self.vocab_size, out=cand_beams.resize_(0) ) cand_indices.fmod_(self.vocab_size) else: # finalize all active hypotheses once we hit maxlen # pick the hypothesis with the highest prob of EOS right now torch.sort( probs[:, self.eos], descending=True, out=(eos_scores, eos_bbsz_idx), ) num_remaining_sent -= len( finalize_hypos(step, eos_bbsz_idx, eos_scores) ) assert num_remaining_sent == 0 break # cand_bbsz_idx contains beam indices for the top candidate # hypotheses, with a range of values: [0, bsz*beam_size), # and dimensions: [bsz, cand_size] cand_bbsz_idx = cand_beams.add(bbsz_offsets) # finalize hypotheses that end in eos eos_mask = cand_indices.eq(self.eos) finalized_sents = set() if step >= self.minlen: # only consider eos when it's among the top beam_size indices torch.masked_select( cand_bbsz_idx[:, :beam_size], mask=eos_mask[:, :beam_size], out=eos_bbsz_idx.resize_(0), ) if eos_bbsz_idx.numel() > 0: torch.masked_select( cand_scores[:, :beam_size], mask=eos_mask[:, :beam_size], out=eos_scores.resize_(0), ) finalized_sents = finalize_hypos( step, eos_bbsz_idx, eos_scores, cand_scores ) num_remaining_sent -= len(finalized_sents) assert num_remaining_sent >= 0 if num_remaining_sent == 0: break assert step < maxlen if len(finalized_sents) > 0: new_bsz = bsz - len(finalized_sents) # construct batch_idxs which holds indices of batches to keep for the next pass batch_mask = torch.ones(bsz).type_as(cand_indices) batch_mask[] = 0 batch_idxs = torch.nonzero(batch_mask).squeeze(-1) # batch_idxs = batch_mask.nonzero().squeeze(-1) eos_mask = eos_mask[batch_idxs] cand_beams = cand_beams[batch_idxs] bbsz_offsets.resize_(new_bsz, 1) cand_bbsz_idx = cand_beams.add(bbsz_offsets) cand_scores = cand_scores[batch_idxs] cand_indices = cand_indices[batch_idxs] if prefix_tokens is not None: prefix_tokens = prefix_tokens[batch_idxs] scores = scores.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view(new_bsz * beam_size, -1) scores_buf.resize_as_(scores) tokens = tokens.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view(new_bsz * beam_size, -1) tokens_buf.resize_as_(tokens) if attn is not None: attn = attn.view(bsz, -1)[batch_idxs].view( new_bsz * beam_size, attn.size(1), -1 ) attn_buf.resize_as_(attn) bsz = new_bsz else: batch_idxs = None # set active_mask so that values > cand_size indicate eos hypos # and values < cand_size indicate candidate active hypos. # After, the min values per row are the top candidate active hypos active_mask = buffer("active_mask") torch.add( eos_mask.type_as(cand_offsets) * cand_size, cand_offsets[: eos_mask.size(1)], out=active_mask.resize_(0), ) # get the top beam_size active hypotheses, which are just the hypos # with the smallest values in active_mask active_hypos, _ignore = buffer("active_hypos"), buffer("_ignore") torch.topk( active_mask, k=beam_size, dim=1, largest=False, out=(_ignore, active_hypos), ) active_bbsz_idx = buffer("active_bbsz_idx") torch.gather( cand_bbsz_idx, dim=1, index=active_hypos, out=active_bbsz_idx, ) active_scores = torch.gather( cand_scores, dim=1, index=active_hypos, out=scores[:, step].view(bsz, beam_size), ) active_bbsz_idx = active_bbsz_idx.view(-1) active_scores = active_scores.view(-1) # copy tokens and scores for active hypotheses torch.index_select( tokens[:, : step + 1], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx, out=tokens_buf[:, : step + 1], ) torch.gather( cand_indices, dim=1, index=active_hypos, out=tokens_buf.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, step + 1], ) if step > 0: torch.index_select( scores[:, :step], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx, out=scores_buf[:, :step], ) torch.gather( cand_scores, dim=1, index=active_hypos, out=scores_buf.view(bsz, beam_size, -1)[:, :, step], ) # copy attention for active hypotheses if attn is not None: torch.index_select( attn[:, :, : step + 2], dim=0, index=active_bbsz_idx, out=attn_buf[:, :, : step + 2], ) # swap buffers tokens, tokens_buf = tokens_buf, tokens scores, scores_buf = scores_buf, scores if attn is not None: attn, attn_buf = attn_buf, attn # reorder incremental state in decoder reorder_state = active_bbsz_idx # sort by score descending for sent in range(len(finalized)): finalized[sent] = sorted( finalized[sent], key=lambda r: r["score"], reverse=True ) return finalized def _decode_one(self, tokens, model, encoder_out, incremental_state, log_probs): with torch.no_grad(): if incremental_state is not None: decoder_out = list( model.decoder( tokens, encoder_out, incremental_state=incremental_state ) ) else: decoder_out = list(model.decoder(tokens, encoder_out)) decoder_out[0] = decoder_out[0][:, -1, :] attn = decoder_out[1] if attn is not None: attn = attn[:, -1, :] probs = get_normalized_probs(decoder_out, log_probs=log_probs) return probs, attn
[docs] def translate_batch( self, batch, maxlen_a=1.0, maxlen_b=50, prefix_size=0, remove_bpe=None, nbest=1, ignore_case=True, ): """ Args: batch (dict): The model input batch. Must have keys `net_input`, `target` and `ntokens` maxlen_a (float): Default 1.0 maxlen_b (Optional[int]): Generate sequences of max lengths `maxlen_a*x + maxlen_b` where `x = input sentence length`. Default 50 prefix_size (int): Prefix size. Default 0 remove_bpe (Optional[str]): BPE token. Default `None` nbest (int): Number of hypotheses to output. Default 1 ignore_case (bool): Ignore case druing online eval. Default `True` Returns: (list[str], list[str]): The translations and their targets for the given batch """ translations = self.generate_batch_translations( batch, maxlen_a=maxlen_a, maxlen_b=maxlen_b, prefix_size=prefix_size, ) ref_toks = [] sys_toks = [] for sample_id, src_tokens, target_tokens, hypos in translations: # Process input and ground truth has_target = target_tokens is not None target_tokens = if has_target else None src_str = self.src_dict.string(src_tokens, remove_bpe) if has_target: target_str = self.trg_dict.string(target_tokens, remove_bpe) # Process top predictions for i, hypo in enumerate(hypos[: min(len(hypos), nbest)]): hypo_tokens, hypo_str, alignment = post_process_prediction( hypo_tokens=hypo["tokens"].int().cpu(), alignment=hypo["alignment"].int().cpu() if hypo["alignment"] is not None else None, align_dict=None, tgt_dict=self.trg_dict, remove_bpe=remove_bpe, ) # Score only the top hypothesis if has_target and i == 0: src_str = detokenize_subtokenized_sentence(src_str) target_str = detokenize_subtokenized_sentence(target_str) hypo_str = detokenize_subtokenized_sentence(hypo_str) sys_tok = bleu_tokenize( hypo_str.lower() if ignore_case else hypo_str ) ref_tok = bleu_tokenize( target_str.lower() if ignore_case else target_str ) sys_toks.append(sys_tok) ref_toks.append(ref_tok) return sys_toks, ref_toks
def get_normalized_probs(net_output, log_probs): """Get normalized probabilities (or log probs) from a net's output.""" logits = net_output[0] if log_probs: return F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float32) else: return F.softmax(logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float32)