Source code for

r"""Learning rate scheduling in tensorflow.

The manual_stepping function is taken from :

import tensorflow as tf

[docs]def manual_stepping(global_step, boundaries, rates, warmup=False): """Manually stepped learning rate schedule. This function provides fine grained control over learning rates. One must specify a sequence of learning rates as well as a set of integer steps at which the current learning rate must transition to the next. For example, if boundaries = [5, 10] and rates = [.1, .01, .001], then the learning rate returned by this function is .1 for global_step=0,...,4, .01 for global_step=5...9, and .001 for global_step=10 and onward. Args: global_step (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): int64 (scalar) tensor representing global step. boundaries (list): a list of global steps at which to switch learning rates (list): a list of (float) learning rates corresponding to intervals between the boundaries. The length of this list must be exactly len(boundaries) + 1. warmup (bool, optional): Defaults to False. Whether to linearly interpolate learning rate for steps in [0, boundaries[0]]. Raises: ValueError: boundaries is a strictly increasing list of positive integers ValueError: len(rates) == len(boundaries) + 1 ValueError: boundaries[0] != 0 Returns: :obj:`tf.Tensor`: a (scalar) float tensor representing learning rate """ if any([b < 0 for b in boundaries]) or any( [not isinstance(b, int) for b in boundaries] ): raise ValueError("boundaries must be a list of positive integers") if any([bnext <= b for bnext, b in zip(boundaries[1:], boundaries[:-1])]): raise ValueError("Entries in boundaries must be strictly increasing.") if any([not isinstance(r, float) for r in rates]): raise ValueError("Learning rates must be floats") if len(rates) != len(boundaries) + 1: raise ValueError( "Number of provided learning rates must exceed " "number of boundary points by exactly 1." ) if boundaries and boundaries[0] == 0: raise ValueError("First step cannot be zero.") if warmup and boundaries: slope = (rates[1] - rates[0]) * 1.0 / boundaries[0] warmup_steps = range(boundaries[0]) warmup_rates = [rates[0] + slope * step for step in warmup_steps] boundaries = warmup_steps + boundaries rates = warmup_rates + rates[1:] else: boundaries = [0] + boundaries num_boundaries = len(boundaries) rate_index = tf.reduce_max( tf.where( tf.greater_equal(global_step, boundaries), list(range(num_boundaries)), [0] * num_boundaries, ) ) return tf.reduce_sum( rates * tf.one_hot(rate_index, depth=num_boundaries), name="learning_rate"